77.60 (-0.50)
67.47 (+0.33)
P/H/R (ICS-105): 53300
GUJ (ICS-105): 53600
Jan : 53330 (-120)
14814 (+4)
18200 (0)
Ginner Panel ( 2023-24)
Reg. No. | Name Of Members | City | E-mail ID |
2124 | Amanya Cotton & General Mills | Abohar | |
1027 | B.M.Agro Industries (P) Ltd. | Abohar | kamalcotton@gmail.com |
1128 | Balchand Cotspin (P) Ltd. | Abohar | gherulalbalchand@gmail.com,balchand@connectzone.in |
1652 | Balkrishan Subhashchander | Abohar | anil.chilana00006@gmail.com |
1839 | Bansal Agro Industries | Abohar | bansal.agro786@gmail.com |
2002 | Bansal Cotgin | Abohar | bansalindustries86@yahoo.com |
1398 | Bansal Industries | Abohar | bansalindustries86@yahoo.com |
2153 | Mohan Cotgin Industry | Abohar | mohancotgin@gmail.com |
1960 | Anil Cottton & Ginning Mills | Adampur | anil_123cotton@yahoo.com |
1955 | Deepak Cotton Mills | Adampur | deepakcotton3303@gmail.com |
1994 | Jai Maa Kalyani Cottex | Adampur | jmkcottex@yahoo.com |
1958 | Jajuda Oil & General Mills | Adampur | jogm.adr@gmail.com |
1985 | JVG Industries | Adampur | jvgindustries7@gmail.com |
1947 | Kissan Agro Industries | Adampur | kissanagro77@gmail.com |
1950 | Nav Durga Oil and General Mills | Adampur | navdurgaoilgeneralmill@gmail.com |
1941 | Shree Krishna Industries | Adampur | shreekrishnaadr@gmail.com |
1943 | Vishal Cotton Co. | Adampur | vccadr@gmail.com |
1959 | Siddhi Cotton Ginning & Pressing Factory | Alwar | siddhicotton2017@gmail.com |
2149 | Nagpal Enterprises P Ltd. | Anupgarh | pawannagpal68@gmail.com |
2156 | Shree Shyam Industries | Anupgarh | ssi24apd@gmail.com |
2144 | Aalishan Agro | Barwala | aalishanagro@gmail.com |
1909 | Bhawani Cotton Factory | Barwala | bcf98barwala@gmail.com |
2135 | Dunni Chand Agro Industries | Barwala | d.cagrobarwala@gmail.com |
1999 | Aggarwal Cotton Co. | Bathinda | aggarwalcottonco@gmail.com |
283 | Kailash Cotton Ginning Factory | Bathinda | kailashgarg2011@gmail.com |
2038 | Shiv Cotex | Bathinda | shivcottex2012@gmail.com |
1845 | Shree Ram Cotton Factory | Bathinda | srcf1987@gmail.com |
2154 | Nanda Cotton Mill | Bhadra | nandacottonmill1980@gmail.com |
1951 | Thakar Agro Industry | Bhadra | thakaragro2017@gmail.com |
2034 | Sada Green Industries Pvt. Ltd. | Bhagwangarh | sadagreen2021@gmail.com |
1924 | Shree C.B Goyal Cotton Factory | Bhagwangarh | |
2139 | Kissan Industries | Bhattu Kalan | kissanbhattu@gmail.com |
1818 | Shri Nath Cotton Co. | Bhilwara | shreenathcotton@gmail.com |
2155 | Rughnath Cottex | Bhiwani | RUGHNATHCOTTEX@GMAIL.COM |
1979 | Shree Durga Ji Ginning Factory | Bhiwani | durga.bapora@gmail.co |
2136 | Satguru Cotton Mill | Bhuna | Satgurucot9@gmail.com |
2004 | Mahaveer Ginning and Pressing | Bodwal | mgp1008@rediffmail.com |
2015 | Behari Ice and General Mills | Budhladha | beharigroup@gmail.com |
1921 | Amit and Company | Charkhi Dadri | amitcottondadri@gmail.com |
2123 | Sanjay Aggarwal Agencies | Dabwali | shreeshyamgumind@gmail.com |
1479 | Satyanarain Ramchander | Dabwali | snrcdabwali@gmail.com |
1984 | Shree Sita Ram Oi Mills | Dhigawa Mandi | sitaramoil777@gmail.com |
1735 | Jai Hanuman Cot. Gin. (P) Mills Ltd. | Ellenabad | sandeepgarg8788@gmail.com |
1987 | Shree Balaji Gum Industries | Ellenabad | balajigum@gmail.com |
1925 | Shri Balaji Cotton Ginning & Pressing Factory | Ellenabad | sbcf.05@gmail.com |
1917 | Shri Surjaram Cotton Factory | Ellenabad | surjaram.cotton@gmail.com |
1913 | Goyal Sales Corporation | Fatehabad | goyalsalesfatehabad@gmail.com |
935 | Bidani Enterprises | Fazilka | mohanbidani1@gmail.com |
1104 | Luxmi Cotton & Oil Mills | Fazilka | bathla3@gmail.com |
1746 | Ram Sharnam Enterprises | Fazilka | Nagpal_kapil@yahoo.com, rsefazilka@yahoo.co.in |
1988 | Mehar Singh Harbux Singh | Gajsinghpur | bhupenderhundal@gmail.com |
1661 | Aggarwal Oil & Gen Mills | Gharsana | ggp.gsn@gmail.com |
2142 | Mahaluxmi Cotton & General Mills | Gharsana | mlcrj2020@gmail.com |
2030 | Chandu Lal Ved Parkash Pvt. Ltd. | Gidderbaha | clvppvtltd@gmail.com |
2031 | Shree Ganesh Cotton Industries Pvt. Ltd. | Gidderbaha | sgigdb1948@yahoo.com |
1923 | Shree Krishna Cotton Mills | Gidderbaha | noni.krishna98@gmail.com |
1989 | A. S. Jakhar Cotton Ginning Mills | Goluwala | asjc.goluwala@gmail.com |
1899 | Jai Santoshi Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factory | Goluwala | bmjangu020@gmail.com |
1734 | Prem Cotton Factory | Goluwala | pcf_glw@yahoo.in |
2140 | Jagdish Cotton Factory | Goniana | harshk67@gmail.com |
1918 | Kailash Cotton Industries | Hansi | kailashcottonhansi@gmail.com |
1919 | Raghav Industries | Hansi | raghavindustries0007@gmail.com |
2159 | B.R Industries | Hanumangarh | brc.kumar61@gmail.com |
2133 | Kamrani Farmer Producer Co. Ltd. | Hanumangarh | kfpcl@pragatihdd.com |
1882 | Mundawala Agro Industries | Hanumangarh | nmundawala@gmail.com |
2151 | Shree C.B Goyal Cotspin | Hanumangarh | shreecbgoyalcotspin@gmail.com |
1864 | Shree C.B Goyal Cotton Industries | Hanumangarh Jn. | pcf_glw@yahoo.in |
1991 | Vijay Cotton Industries | Hanumangarh Jn. | vijaycottonindustries@gmail.com |
2152 | Pashupati Agro Hitech | Hanumangarh Town | pashupatiagro2019@gmail.com |
1980 | Aakash Ginning Industries Pvt. Ltd. | Hathin | info@aakashginning.com |
2125 | Ravi Kamal Cottex | Hinganghat | |
2055 | Arham Colloids | Hisar | info@arhamcolloids.com |
1974 | Parmeshwari Cotgin | Hisar | bdcottonmills@gmail.com |
1953 | Shree Mahaluxmi Trading Co. | Hisar | amitsmtc2000@gmail.com |
2148 | Khushi Cotton Industries | Jaitsar | khushicotton143@gmail.com |
1272 | Jagannath Gurbachansingh Cot. Fac. | Jaitu | mr.sanjeevmittal@rediffmail.com |
1866 | Hiten Industries | Jodhpur | hitenind@gmail.com |
1964 | A One Cotton Mills | Kalayat | aonecottonmill@gmail.com |
1978 | Parmeshwara Cotton Agro Products | Karimnagar | parameshwaracotton@gmail.com |
1993 | Marut Nandan Textiles Ltd. | Khairthal | mntlkhairthal@gmail.com |
2122 | J C Cotton Traders | Killianwali | |
1836 | Shree B.L Agri Products Pvt. Ltd | Killianwali | shreeblagri@gmail.com |
1893 | Hanuman Cottex | Kishangasrhvas | hanumancottex@gmail.com |
2014 | Nitin Cotton Mills | Lehragaga | |
1549 | Mahadev Cotton Factory | Malout | mahadevfactory05@gmail.com |
1939 | Makkar Cotton Company | Malout | makkarsrinder484@gmail.com |
1868 | R N Birla COTS GIN Pvt. Ltd. | Malout | rkusumbirla@gmail.com |
1920 | S R Cotton Mills | Malout | srcottonmills@gmail.com |
1940 | Tulsi Ram Jasraj | Malout | tulsiramjasraj@gmail.com |
1962 | Parkash Cotton Pressing Factory | Mansa | pcpfmansa@gmail.com |
2005 | Sanmati Cotton factory | Mansa | sanmaticottonfactory@gmail.com |
2019 | Shree Krishna Industry | Mansa | shreekrishnaindustrymansa@gmail.com |
1981 | Maa Karni Cotton Factory | Meghasar | maakarnicotton2019@gmail.com |
1942 | Shree Banke Bihari Oil Mills | Meham | shreebankebiharioilmills@gmail.com |
2157 | Siswalia Cotton Pvt. Ltd. | Mirzawali | deagle335@gmail.com |
1933 | Kairon Cotgin Pvt. Ltd. | Muktsar | kaironcotginpvtltd@gmail.com |
2006 | Muglani Enterprises | Muktsar | muglanienterprises@gmail.com |
745 | Muktsar Cotton (P) Ltd. | Muktsar | navneetgrover@hotmail.com |
1931 | Satia Cotton Factory | Muktsar | satia.multiventures@gmail.com |
2130 | Subh Laxmi Cotton Pvt. Ltd. | Nagaur | md@slgroupindia.in |
2126 | Hiti Cottex | Nagpur | cindustries53@gmail.com |
1861 | Anil Cotton Mills | Narwana | anilcottonmills@gmail.com |
1972 | Seeds & Grains India Pvt. Ltd. | New Delhi | m.asokan@seeds-grains.com |
1887 | Ajay Cotton Industries | Padampur | ajaygarg33@gmail.com |
2158 | B.M.I.A Cotton Industries | Padampur | bmiacottonind.pvt.ltd@gmail.com |
1922 | Pushpa Industries | Padampur | rajeshaggarwal418@yahoo.co.in |
913 | Rathi Industries | Padampur | |
1896 | Sanwariya Cotton Industreis | Phalodi | saurabhbang777@gmail.com,sanwariyaphalodi@gmail.com |
2138 | C.B Cottex | Phephana(Nohar) | cbcottexphephana@gmail.com |
1328 | R. K. Industries | Pilibangan | rkind_plb@rediffmail.com |
1906 | Seth Sanskaran Banthia General Ind. | Pilibangan | piyushbanthia1985@gmail.com |
1992 | Adinath Cotton Industries | Raman | adinathcottonraman@gmail.com |
1930 | Rajinder Kumar Ravinder Kumar | Raman | nkumars031@gmail.com |
2160 | JVG Oil Mill | Ramgarh | swamikailashswami8@gmail.com |
2161 | Vinayak Industries | Ramgarh | vinayakindustries15dpn@gmail.com |
1937 | Shiv Shakti Cotton and Oil Mills | Rampuraphul | shivshaktigroup0330@gmail.com |
2145 | NS Chhabra Industries | Ramsinghpur | nschhabraindustries@gmail.com |
1693 | Balaji Cotton Gin/Prg. Fact. | Rawatsar | balajicotton2008@gmail.com |
1976 | Om Enterprises | Rawatsar | omenterprises7337@gmail.com |
2141 | Thakar Industry | Rawatsar | thakarindustry@gmail.com |
1977 | Manoj Kumar Mohit Kumar | Sangaria | mkmkcotton@gmail.com |
2129 | Shivraj Industries | Sangaria | shivrajindustries19@gmail.com |
1914 | Dhruv Cotton Mills | Sardulgarh | Dhruvcottonmills@gmail.com |
2017 | R D Cotton Factory LLP | Sardulgarh | rdcottonfactory@gmail.com |
1907 | Surya Cotton Factory | Sardulgarh | suryacottonfactory@gmail.com |
1467 | Aggarwal Cotton & General Mills | Sirsa | aggarwalcottonindustry@gmail.com |
1256 | Garg Cotton & General Mills | Sirsa | gargcottonmills@gmail.com |
1793 | Phatela Cotgin | Sirsa | phatela.cotgin.ind@gmail.com |
1464 | Royal Cotgin | Sirsa | royalcotgin92@gmail.com |
1675 | Sharda Cotton Factory | Sirsa | pankajs2007@gmail.com |
1904 | Shri Ganesh Cotton Mills | Sirsa | gargcottonmills@gmail.com |
1786 | Shri Ganpati Cotton & Gen. Mills | Sirsa | shriganpaticottongeneralmill@gmail.com |
2131 | Balaji Ginning and Trading Enterprises | Siwani | balajiginningtrading@gmail.com |
1470 | Chittlangia Cot. Gin. & Prg. Fact. | Sriganganagar | aditya@chittlangia.com |
1901 | Mahipal SR Industries | Sriganganagar | msrcotton73@gmail.com |
2150 | Shree Balaji Cotton Mill | Sriganganagar | chandeldevashish67@gmail.com |
1694 | Hira Ram Hans Raj | Srikaranpur | feenataneja@gmail.com |
2128 | GB Chhabra Cotton Industries | Srivijaynagar | gbccisbnr@gmail.com |
2040 | Shubham Cotton Industries | Srivijaynagar | adanpuria29@gmail.com |
2137 | Shree Nojja Shakti Cotton Mill | Surajgarh | snscmill@gmail.com |
2146 | Shri Bankey Bhiari Cotton Industries Pvt. Ltd. | Surajgarh | bankeybiharicotton@gmail.com |
2114 | Shri Krishna Cotton Factory | Talwandi Sabo | lukeshgupta07@gmail.com |
1926 | Garg Cotton Mills | Uchana | gcmuchana@gmail.com |
1814 | Mohindra and Sons | Uchana | mohindrasons@rediffmail.com |
1961 | Mohindra Cotton | Uchana | mohindra.cotton@gmail.com |
1911 | Vardhman Cotton Mill | Uchana | vcmuchana@gmail.com |
1910 | Mittal Agro | Uklana Mandi | mittalaggro2015@gmail.com |